• Regrettably, recently we have witnessed several demonstrations, events in the streets organized by non-governmental organisations hiding behind parties and political movements, which undermine the international reputation of Hungary. We condemn these activities and call upon all such organisations to contribute actively to the enrichment and rise of Hungary rather than organize senseless mass demonstrations.

• We expect all non-governmental organisations to deploy all the instruments at their disposal to contribute in their own ways to the restoration of the good international reputation of Hungary through their members.

• We expect all non-governmental organisations to contribute to the improvement of the Hungarian economy, in accordance with the principle of equal burden-sharing and especially in this dire financial and economic situation, furthermore to enrich the country with positive and pro-active attitude to the benefit of us all.  

• We appeal to the responsible leaders of foreign media and call upon them not to disrespect the sovereignty of Hungary by publishing one-sided, biased, uncontrolled information and declarations. The European Union’s commitment to democracy requires that opinions and counter-opinions be published simultaneously.

The Forum of CET
Budapest, Parlament Café, 12 January 2012


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