Letter to Hannes Swoboda

We put some excerpts of the dialogue below to give you some details on the content. The caller told the following: “And I have a theory on how Pál Schmitt can be saved. This is just a theory.  By liquidating him.”
Instead of hanging up immediately, the presenter György Bolgár continued the conversation: “Oh, please don’t say it, don’t go ahead. So.” Subsequently the caller said: “But the conspiracy theory can work. In effect, in this kitchen witch they are up to everything, even to that.”
Bolgár answered: “No, no, I am not willing to think about this any longer. So you are that malicious. I’m not saying it’s unprecedented in history, but.” The listener interrupted and asked the presenter to put forward an argument which can save Mr Pál Schmitt. Bolgár responded ambiguously: “It isn’t worth it. He doesn’t need to be saved. The whole thing isn’t worth it. We can say: „”Thank you, Mr Schmitt, goodbye””!.”
Thereafter, the caller presented a conspiracy theory explaining several traffic accidents of socialist politicians. The presenter did not contradict those clearly.
You can listen to the whole broadcast http://www.klubradio.hu/index.php?id=33
After the broadcast, Bolgár refused to explain his ambiguous answer upon the request of a journalist from the Hungarian daily, Magyar Nemzet.
In Hungarian public life it has become a recurring phenomenon to talk about the physical destruction of right-wingers, some left-wing journalist and politicians regularly talk about the thought of executing prominent right-wingers in various ways.
As you have often expressed your worry on the state on Hungarian media freedom we would be interested in your opinion on the above issue.
Do you think it such content is acceptable in a radio broadcast? Do you think it would be tolerated in any Member States to publicly discuss about the liquidation of the respective State President? Do you plan to raise the attention of your colleagues to the abovementioned case on the next Strasbourg plenary as you did with the one of Echo TV?
In the past years your group has demonstrated in many cases the use of double standard towards national governments, based on their political composition.
Enough to recall fall 2006, when the trust of Hungarian people in the rule of law has faltered, when real violation of human rights has been experienced in Hungary but your group, due to your party politics interests turned your back towards Hungarian democracy, and did not raise your voice against Ferenc Gyurcsány and the Hungarian socialists.
We are therefore highly curious, whether you manage to overcome your party interests and use the same standard as of the one of Echo TV.
Looking forward to hearing your response
Yours Sincerely,

Dr. Tamás Fricz
Dr. Laszlo Csizmadia 
Founders and Spokesmen Hungarian Forum of Alliance for Civil Organizations


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