On 23rd October

My dear Polish and Hungarian Friends,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

Today, we will advance to Kossuth Square under a banner that reads “The two good friends – Protect Europe together!”
We will quietly demonstrate that the common fate of Poles and Hungarians has created a familial relationship between our peoples.

Our identical outlooks on life, which gain moral strength from Christian civilisation, are firmly planted in roots that cannot be torn out of the ground.

To us, the signs along the roads of our lives that read ‘God, Family, Country’ are messages from our guardian angels.

The Old Testament and now the Gospel of the New Testament are the rule books of Christianity.

The Visegrád Four read the will of the Creator. Jaroslaw Kaczynski and Viktor Orbán have learned that, if necessary, we have to fight to protect our sovereignty and identity. It is them, Jaroslaw and Viktor, who are fulfilling a mission. They protect our nations from being crucified, which although they have been injured many times, have always risen up again.

After World War 2, the Western powers threw us to the Soviet colonisers in a bid to protect their freedom and guarantee their well-being. However, the spirit of 1848 was still alive in Poles and Hungarians alike.

In 1956, the spark of our thirst for freedom set fire to the flame of revolution. The Communist oppressors first put a bloody end to the Poznan 1956 uprisings. The sympathy Hungarians felt for the Polish led to the beginning of the Hungarian revolution.

The Soviet tanks flattened the best of our youth. Blood flowed on the streets of Budapest, and our people, yearning for freedom, were surrounded with an iron curtain.

At the 60th anniversary of the Revolution, it seems it is up to us again. We cannot let today’s economic migrants take over our homeland.

The V4 countries are sticking to the original goal of those who dreamt up and created a union of equal nations. The misguided bureaucrats in Brussels cannot make our old continent a NO-GO zone. Our job as civilians is to tell Brussels that “Nothing about us without us!” Unlike in 1956, we do not need weapons this time, but we do need an active presence.

To make use of the historical significance of today’s ceremony, our Polish and Hungarian communities are announcing the organisation of a Council for Civil Cooperation in the European Union (EUCET). We will make sure the voices our citizens are heard in Brussels!

My dear friends!

I invite you to join us on this journey!

Thank you for your attention!

Laszlo Csizmadia


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